🙂 Positive News - MM#632
Good day my good friend.
Short and sweet intro today. Lets go…
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😊 Ending on a high
If you look any form of social media, or most news sources, you can be forgiven for thinking that everything is awful. What is more frustrating to me is how many people sell this as being “realistic.” For me, being realistic is too often mistaken for being cynical.
Being realistic is seeing both the good and the bad in the current situation, the reasons for optimism as well as the reasons for fear. With that in mind, and in the interests of actual realism, I’m going to list some of the news stories that should give you cause for hope. Let them fill you with festive joy.
Note to all: These are mainly UK-based stories. I am working on more content from elsewhere!
The 20mph urban speed limit in Wales has reduced average traffic speeds
Cycling levels in the UK are up (slightly) over the last 5 years
Cycling journeys in London are 20% higher than they were in 2019
Oxfordshire County Council voted to keep their new LTNs in place
The UK Government has expanded the £2 single fare cap for local buses to December 2024
In the West Midlands, 600,000 free “try before you buy” bus tickets are being made available
Montpellier has joined a growing list of cities that are offering free public transport
There has been a huge expansion of the European night train network
One of the first transatlantic flights using lower carbon fuels took place this year
Cargo bikes are faster and emit less than traditional deliveries in cities
The gender pay gap is lower than what is was before COVID-19 (but more work needs doing)
There are more women in the highest income brackets than ever before
There has been a significant increase in support in the UK for non-traditional families
DigiGo, a demand responsive transport service in rural Essex, has been extended until 2026
Carbon emissions are not following the worst case scenario for climate change
Finally, a reflection from me. We like to talk about how hard it is to change people. But from my experience, this is not the case. There are many hundreds, even thousands, of people working hard and positively to enact change - whether on social justice or on climate change. They do not seek the headlines, or the kudos on social media. They work away, making changes in their part of the world to make things slightly better.
People expect that huge, radical shifts that are announced with a blaze of headlines and publicity change the world. In my experience it is not that simple. In fact, one person giving a female colleague the support they need, or another seeing the installation of that electric vehicle charging point to completion can be more meaningful than any big policy.
There are many people working against those wanting to change the world. But know this. There are many, many more of us working to make the world a better place. And we will win eventually.
Just keep being awesome, all of you!
🎓 From academia
The clever clogs at our universities have published the following excellent research. Where you are unable to access the research, email the author - they may give you a copy of the research paper for free.
Should I wait or should I go? Encouraging customers to make the more sustainable delivery choice
TL:DR - Charging for the least sustainable option can encourage people to choose the more sustainable delivery option.
Will people prefer future travel with battery-powered airplanes?
TL:DR - Yes.
Safety Evaluation of the First Bus Rapid Transit System in Tanzania
TL:DR - Drivers need to be more careful around pedestrians.
Spatial dynamic analysis and thematic mapping of vulnerable communities to urban floods
TL:DR - White people are moving away from flood plains.
📺 On the (You)Tube
What happened when Market Street in San Francisco banned cars? I’ll give you a clue, the results were mostly good.
🖼️ Graphic Design

I have this classic London Underground poster, produced by Alfred Lette in 1927, on my wall in my office. The thing is, I don’t know why its so brilliant. It just is. Mind you, seeing the dog, policeman, and robber being sucked into the Underground station is amusing.
Alfred Lette also created another classic poster that many people in the UK are very familiar with.
📚 Random things
These links are meant to make you think about the things that affect our world in transport, and not just think about transport itself. I hope that you enjoy them.
Self-Repair Manifesto (iFixit)
Is AI leading to a reproducibility crisis in science? (Nature)
Tiny Electric Vehicles Pack a Bigger Climate Punch Than Cars (New York Times)
The rise of the middlemen: Why are traders gobbling up LNG in a moribund market? (Energy Flux)
What colour do you see? (aeon)
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