No Mobility Matters for the rest of this week - MMD
Good day my good friend.
In case you were wondering why there was no Mobility Matters Daily yesterday, there was a very simple reason for that. On Sunday, when I usually write the Monday edition, I collapsed at home after feeling unwell for most of the day and for much of Saturday.
After a few hours at the Luton and Dunstable Hospital (who were amazing by the way, and were a perfect example of why the NHS is incredible), I was told that my collapse was due to exhaustion. I was told to take it easy for a few days, but otherwise I should be fine.
So, for that slightly unexpected reason, I won’t be posting a Mobility Matters Daily for the rest of this week. The good news is that I am already feeling much better, and so should be back in the saddle next week. In the meantime, if you want something excellent to read, I suggest this week’s Along for the Ride and Transportist on 50 Ways To Please Your Funder.