Mobility Matters Extra - More cash for active travel, so what's the tally now?
Following on from my previous post on funding local transport improvements across England and how illogical it is, I have been requesting additional details on funding allocated to various active travel initiatives. Whilst I wait for details for funding announcements for London, Wales, and Scotland to come in, the Department for Transport announced another round of Active Travel Funding. So I plugged this in, along with some details on planned spend for the Future Transport Zones (thanks to a project I am working on for Surrey County Council), and crunched some numbers.
You can download the data yourself here.
The overall conclusion is that not much has changed across the City Regions. Primarily because the CRSTS dominates funding allocations in the city regions. Also, the two city regions with the highest total funding originally (West of England and West Midlands) were also recipients of Future Transport Zone funding.
Nor has much changed in the local authorities, to be honest, apart from the top 10 with the highest spending moving around a bit. And the Isles of Scilly are just there, messing up the data again with their ferries being replaced.
Hopefully once more data is plugged in the results start to become meaningful. But that relies on the Department for Transport stopping their announcements. Which they won’t do!