Mobility Matters Daily Special - Groundwater is Weird
Yep, another special. Yesterday I went to the Doctor’s about my cold. They confirmed it wasn’t COVID (phew) but informed me that its likely that I’ve got a particularly nasty strain of the cold that is going around at the moment. So that I should rest for a couple of days.
Naturally, being me, I took that advice as optional, until I got home whereby that advice was upgraded to “if you so much as pick up a laptop in the next few days I will be very angry with you” by the other person in my life who knows my health very well. So, it is more specials until the end of the week.
This video is from one of my favourite YouTube channels, Practical Engineering. Water is the giver of life, but it has a habit of destroying almost every engineering project it touches. Here are some of the lengths engineers have to go to in order to make sure that infrastructure, including new railways and bike lanes, don’t get wrecked. Listen and learn.